The Crows Nest – A climate and environmental justice art incubator.
I am honored to have been selected to create the seminal art work introducing a new space coming to downtown Baltimore. My piece will be in the main office of this non-profit and represent the organization. Called The Crow’s Nest the building will house a novel art incubator that will bring together and support artists working to tackle climate change and environmental injustice through their work. The Crow’s Nest will offer studio spaces, gallery and common areas, and dedicated programming to facilitate innovative collaborations between artists, scientists, activists, and policymakers. The incubator will launch in early 2023.
Founder Leonardo Martinez, came to visit me in Alexandria and showed me photographs of crows world wide, using coat hangers and other industrial detritus as well as natural materials in the creation of their nests. Hangers all have a personality and even without the current political meaning, they are ferocious, sharp with a look of almost a human torso. Around a nest they also are protective. Their use as a material is a brilliant act of inspiration. Crows with their high intelligence know how to build. Similarly, we will have to build a new, sustainable, just world on top of the structures of our outdated use of fossil-fuel. The egg in the center represents the future that those who work at the incubator are trying to protect. It is removable, which is part of the concept. The empty nest is symbolic as a warning, the possible result of inaction. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THIS PROJECT
Recent Exhibitions around Virginia
Rosemary Feit Covey standing next to her piece Usnea Longissima at the exhibit If Not Now in Portsmouth, VA. Usnea Longissima, wood engraving, painting, recycled materials, Japanese paper on canvas, 108×48 inches (triptych). PHOTO: Graham Scott
View of the exhibition space at Portsmouth Museum and Cultural Center. Rosemary’s piece’s Usnea Longissima (left) and Broken Earth (right).
Curator Gayle Paul viewing Rosemary’s piece’s Broken Earth. Broken Earth, wood engraving, painting, string, coffee grounds on canvas, 48×60 inches. PHOTO: Graham Scott
The exhibition at Portsmouth Museum and Cultural Center features two of my rarely seen pieces, Broken Earth based on the drought in South Africa and Usnea Longissima. The exhibition on view until October 16th presents artwork by eight artists, from around the US, whose work draws attention to destructive environmental impacts dating to the beginning of the industrial revolution.
EXHIBIT > If Not Now
Don't forget this exhibition on climate if you are in the Portsmouth, Virginia Beach area. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
Date: July 16th – October 16th, 2022.
Hours: Wednesday through Saturday 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM and Sundays 12:00 PM – 4:-00 PM
Location: Portsmouth Art & Cultural Center